Friday, December 30, 2011

Holiday Week

Gingerbread house workshop.

Christmas Eve

This guy just showed up, we don't know who he is...

Yummy Girl

Fish kiss

Here is a photo of the beautiful Korean lunch my friend 'K' made for Zinny and me. So so delicious!!

Here is 'K' and Zinny enjoying this yummy lunch!

Z watering 'K' plants.

Christmas gift from 'K'! Darling!

Finn shopping for Pokemon at the comic book shop.

You might be thinking that these blog posts are heavy with photos of Zinny and a bit skimpy of Addie, Oscar, and Finn. In my defense, the older 3 refuse to let me photograph them 90% of the time, and Z hasn't yet learned to sabotage my photo sessions yet. So there. I usually have to sneak them, like the gingerbread and Pokemon above.

And I sincerely hope Z's foster family is watching this blog, so they can know she is doing so well.

Arm Scripture:

Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You hold me by my right hand.

Psalm 73:23

A Blessed Happy New Year to all!

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Peek at our Week

Going out to lunch Grandpa Style:

Playing with angels

Major table battle

Opened the freezer and found this fine specimen. Apparently the boys found a priceless (and huge!) piece of ice in the back and couldn't bear to let it melt. It's right next to the month old snowball.

Mmmm, feels so good!

Papa and Addie off to the theatre

Watching Finn bring in garbage cans

"and that's where I was born!"

These are booties my dear friend crocheted for Z. They have sheeps wool inside and suede bottoms. All natural wool. So toasty comfy! Thanks Tina!

Kitties in pockets!

Cheerio! And Merry Christmas!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just a quiet little week

A lovely quiet week. It is so incredible to be home and just hear the activity of all my children around me. All the anxiety and intense worry of the horrible wait for Z to come home is over and I am at such peace. She is doing so well, we are all embracing her and she us. I read so many blogs and the Korean adoption forum and there are so so many beautiful families who do not have this peace this Christmas, and some may not NEXT Christmas. I know their pain and have a sense of guilt about Zinny being home and their children being left behind. It is not right or good that a government would choose a child to wait so long to be with their forever families, and also for the many thousands of little children who will not get the opportunity of having a family and face a life in an orphanage. All this has been said a thousand times. I cherish my children being all together and I will never forget the families who are waiting.

Neil and I are beyond blessed. It's hard (!) and messy (!) and not always so pretty, but being parents to these 4 children is the greatest gift from God.

Arm Scripture for today (yes! It's finally back)

I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Psalm 57: 9,10

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Feeling Christmasy

Ahhh, snow at last!

Trimming the tree...

...with Clone troopers (Sam this photo is for you!)

Snow ice cream courtesy of Oscar

A snowman named 'Pigpen'

Hot cocoa dregs (popcorn and stale marshmallows)

These are gnomes and ninjas my good friend Anne made. Her daughter is selling them to go to camp this summer. You know I'm crazy for toys!


I met with my good friend 'B', my adoption Process Buddy. It was so so amazing, after that horrendous wait for our babies, to be sitting there, chatting, as if this last year's worth of torture never happened. Crazy! PBF! (Process buddies forever)

Finn finally gets his '8' shirt (a little late...I was in Korea for his birthday)

And finally, Zinny and baby. (thanks Sandy!)

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011