Sunday, October 23, 2011

Toy store hunt

We heard a rumor that there is a great toy store in Itaewon. So the hunt was on. Oscar and Finn were specific in their desire for me to find Korean Pokemon. I would be satisfied to find some Porroro. So off we went this morning, to Itaewon. We found some coffee, we found some lunch, and we found a nice Australian lady, but no toy store...So we decided it was high time to spend time in God's beauty, so we headed off by subway and by foot to find Namsun Park. Umm, we found out later that people generally take a BUS because it i's a long way, but since we are our own tour guides, we a)went the wrong way, and b) went waaayyyy out of the way. But when we got there, it was spectacular!

I did a lot of thinking on my hike about Zinnia, what she and her foster parents were doing right then, their last weekend together. I was very emotional. Thankfully Anne kept things light by tripping every other step. We laughed and laughed!

I thought this tree just cried out for wee folk, Addie,Oscar, Finn, don't you think?

This is a walkway made of different rocks, you take your shoes off and walk across them and it massages your feet, the black ones really hurt, but my feet felt better!

The weather was perfect, the leaves were falling, just so lovely, we didn't want to leave. We had dinner plans with a couple from Holt that are picking their son up tomorrow, so we hopped back on subway and met them at Holt. As we were crossing a huge busy intersection in search of the famous Holt Guesthouse where we were meeting them, a lady came up beside me and called my name. It was my friend! Perfect timing! They were just finishing their city tour, and their darling guide recommended we eat dinner at Honjik Univ.

Anne thinks this might be the street that is the backdrop for this blog, but I don't. You decide.

After dinner we went to Dunkin Donuts (you know I love a good donut!) I got a walnut red bean paste donut, mmmm!

We said a teary farewell to our nervous and excited friends. I cannot believe that that will be me in two more nights.

So we have yet to find a toy store, this is the only toy we have found so far:

Maybe taking train to Gwangju City tomorrow. Have to sleep on it!

Addie this photo is for you... No we did not eat here...

This photo is for you Oscar and Finn. This Garfield drank a can of Redbull in less than 30 seconds! Ask Papa what Redbull is!

And this was just bizarre... This was the only stall available in ladies room, and I said NO WAY!
(Jill, this photo is for you!)

And I love this part of Korean culture, mothers and daughters hold hands when they walk:

And lastly, my dinner in Honjik University:

(cool plate, eh?)

And now to bed...
Thanks for tuning in!

Tonight's shout out goes to honorHim:
Thank you a million times for the map you gave me. You said that they were everywhere, but we haven't seen any at all, and ours is quite tattered, falling apart! It has been a huge lifesaver at least like 40 times a day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. wow....i finally figured posting out. Took Carrie 20 minutes. Took me 4 days and liz's expertise. Thinking of you and your amazing travel every minute of it. Can't wait to see Zinny in your arms. That will be best arm scripture EVER!!
    Love you tons and tons!!!

  2. ^^^Hahahaha, Lisa! Shout out to Liz for helping our beautiful, yet tech challanged sister!

    And, that restroom photo? It's called a "squatty potty". Have a lot of them in Italy I'm told, so I guess you will be "holding" it when you visit :)

    Beautiful photos..... I'm glad you have lots to keep you occupied while you wait for THE day.....ZINNY DAY!!!! It's hard waiting for those photos!!! Prayers for you and Zinny and her foster parents for that time!!! Love you!

  3. I am glad the map is helpful. The map came from the lobby at Somerset. So if you follow the map to Somerset, you can grab a new one. Maybe there will be one in the DMCville lobby? You are my kind of girl taking a picture of the toilet. And Dunkin Donuts, OH YEAH! Thinking of you. SO excited for you. Can't wait to see that girl in your arms. I am praying for a supernatural attachment and transition. I hope you go on the train today (your Monday). It is so awesome thinking about how God has you in His hands on the other side of the world and He's here with us too. Have a GREAT day.

  4. Jill explained the toilet to me... I might be holding it too. Kids are digging the Garfield sighting! Your hike looked great! Have a great Monday!

  5. Red bean paste doughnut? That's just not right.

  6. Don't you laugh at Lisa- at least she can log on with her real name- I'm somehow stuck with this ancient nickname of "Maggie"
    Jill (really)

  7. The "toilet issue" I should have had you practice, sorry. Put your feet about at the front of the hole, angle them out so you've got about a 90 degree angle if they met, then squat. It does work, more-or-less. Do your best, there isn't always toilet paper....
    Jill, aka Maggie
